domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011


This is the story of Peter  a young man with good luck .
He was an ordinary person .Peter  was a day in the afternoon in the library, he liked to read .He went to a shelf to get a book .But this book was not just any book it contained something very  valuable a lottery ticket .When he saw it he look at the date of the drawing . 9/2/11  the drawing date was today, Peter think  how could they leave something so valuable in a book .To answer this question we have to go back to the morning of 9 February .The seller of the lottery ,bought a ticket but at that time  it was very busy , and he had to save  it  between the pages of the  book he was  reading .At noon he forgot  the ticket ,  had to go to return the book to the library.In the afternoon Peter hid the ticket in the right pocket and left the library, to go see the draw at home.This ticket was awarded $100000.
It is incredible how lucky some people have .

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